Order Form
North American Plants, INC is a wholesale-only nursery. The minimum order for a shipment within the United States constitutes: 500 plants per variety rounded up to full flats.
When ordering please be sure to indicate the following important information: desired size, preferred delivery date(s), purchase order numbers (if applicable), shipping address (if different from billing address), and whether or not you are a licensee for any royalty bearing items you have ordered. We may request proof of license for certain varieties. In the event such proof is not provided by the time of shipping you will be invoiced for the corresponding royalty and will need to sign our non-propagation and Proper Labeling Agreement.
After filling out the order form please fax to 503-474-0872 or scan and email to orders@naplants.com or mail to P.O. Box 743, Lafayette, OR 97127, thank you.