Rootstocks for Tree Fruits and Nuts

Apple Rootstocks (Malus hybrids)
*B10® USPP21,223 ‘Mich 96’ (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.11’ (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.202’ (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.210’ USPP23,337 (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.222’ USPP24,834
*GENEVA® ‘G.41’ USPP17,139 (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.814’ USPP27,643 (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.890’ USPP23,327 (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.935’ USPP17,063 (VC)
*GENEVA® ‘G.969’ USPP24,073 (VC)
MM 111 (VC)
Pear Rootstocks (Pyrus communis)
OHxF.87 (VC)
OHxF.97 (VC)
Pyro™ 2-33 'Rhenus 3'
Pistacio Rootstock (Pistacia hybrids)
Pioneer Blue® Platinum
Rootstocks for Cherries, Almonds, and Stone Fruits (Prunus species and hybrids)
​*Bright's Hybrid®5 'Arthur V' USPP18,782
Citation (VC)
Colt (VC)
*Controller™ 6 'HBOK 27' USPP23,631 (VC)
*Empyrean®1 'VI89' (VC) ©
F12/1 Mazzard (VC)
*Gisela®3 'GI 2091' (VC) †
*Gisela®5 'GI 148/2' (VC) †
*Gisela®6 'GI 148/1' (VC) †
*Gisela®12 'GI 195/2' (VC) †
Hansen 536 (VC)
*Krymsk®5 'VSL-2' (VC) ©
*Krymsk®6 'LC-52' (VC) ©
*Krymsk®7 'Elta' PP16,353 (VC) ©
*Krymsk®86 'AP-1' PP16,272 (VC) ©
Marianna 26-24 (VC)
Marianna M-40 (VC)
*MaxMa® 14 ‘Brokforest’ (VC)
Myrobalan 29C (VC)
*“Performer” Mahaleb ‘UCMH 56’
*Rootpac® R 'PAC 941' PP21,556
*Weiroot™158 ‘Hofmann2’ (VC) ©
1. Items with * indicate varieties sold under license; trademark and/or patent royalties will be charged and sales are restricted to the United States, only. NAP is authorized to sell proprietary varieties marked with a © to Canada, additional terms and conditions apply, please contact us for details.
2. (VC) denotes that the variety is Virus Certified by the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
3. † Gisela® series cherry rootstocks can only be sold to licensees of Gisela® Inc.
4. This list is for wholesale-only, US-based customers and cannot be construed as an offering for sale outside of the US or its territories.